

This site is an eclectic mix of views and observations from the catbird seat of Adelaide. It’s a personal point of view.

Hopefully the topics are interesting and appealing. Not exactly off the beaten path.

Different in the way they are addressed. Or else I suspect it will be mundane. And at times rambling.

It is meant to be light and non academic. There will be the occasional gaffes and missteps along the way so I appreciate the understanding.

I will try and post whenever time finds me. 

Observations and context

In the main it is framed around Adelaide, South Australia and Australia. To a lesser extent its the way the Falcon family have seen life in this city, state and country. 

I have added and or contextualised my personal views in some posts having had the opportunity to travel extensively for work. And for extended periods of time.

I have covered  multiple countries, lived in 6 cities, done 5 continents, with the exception of Antartica and South America. So comparisons are in play. 

Move to Adelaide 

The Falcon family first moved to Australia over 20 years ago to start a new life. And a new life it has been. In that time we have seen 7 Prime Ministers serve this nation, country and continent.

People have been wonderful and beauty of this land and all the creatures that live on it are exceptional. A “lucky country” it is. 

These posts are lumped into 4 groups for my convenience – People and Travel, Food and Drinks, Gear and Trends and the new fast evolving paradigm, Gig Economy. More around my interest than anything else. 

So if you have some time and looking to shoot the breeze, this might be an option. 

By the way, Falcon is a nom de guerre. It is to avoid at times gardening chores as I beaver away behind the laptop supposedly at work.

Do have a great day. Life I guess is too short for anything else.

25th December 2020 

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